Blackstone Minerals Ltd - Blackstone Continues To Intersect High-Grade Nickel At Ban Chang
Blackstone Minerals Ltd (ASX:BSX)

Blackstone Continues To Intersect High-Grade Nickel At Ban Chang


What's happened?

Blackstone Minerals Ltd (ASX: BSX, “Blackstone”) has intersected further high-grade Nickel-Cu-PGE at the Ban Chang prospect with the following results:


What are the key highlights?

  1. Blackstone is targeting massive sulfide vein (MSV) prospects analogous to the Ban Phuc MSV, where previous owners successfully mined 975kt of high-grade ore at average grades of 2.4% Ni & 1.0% Cu from an average vein width of 1.3m for 3.5 years between 2013 and 2016, producing 20.7kt Ni, 10.1kt Cu and 0.67kt Co.
  2. A recently purchased third drill rig will follow the geophysics crew throughout the Ta Khoa nickel sulfide district, testing high priority EM targets generated from 25 MSV prospects including King Snake, Ban Khoa, Ban Chang, and Ta Cuong.
  3. Drilling continues with Blackstone’s largest drill rig testing the King Cobra Discovery zone (KCZ) and Blackstone’s two smaller drill rigs at Ban Chang East and Ban Chang West.
  4. Blackstone’s Scoping Study on downstream processing to produce nickel sulfate for the lithiumion battery industry and Ban Phuc maiden resource are on track for completion in Q3, CY20.

For further information, please refer to the announcement linked below.

Managing Director's Summary

Scott Williamson

"Hole 4 has delivered our broadest Ban Chang intersection to date and confirms we have a bulk tonnage opportunity that has potential to deliver significant high-grade nickel to our future mine plan which will be underpinned by a base load feed coming from our flagship Ban Phuc orebody which includes the KCZ. Ban Chang is the first of our 25 MSV targets to be tested throughout the Ta Khoa Ni-Cu-PGE district, leaving plenty of upside for adding high-grade feed to what looks like a bulk open pit mining scenario at Ban Phuc and KCZ."

Scott Williamson
Managing Director, Blackstone Minerals Ltd

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