Variscan Mines Ltd - Commencement of Novales Mine Survey
Variscan Mines Ltd (ASX:VAR)

Commencement of Novales Mine Survey


What's happened?

Variscan Mines Limited (ASX:VAR) have announced the commencement of a 3D laser survey of the San Jose – Novales underground mine.

What are the key highlights?

  1. A 3D laser survey of the former producing high grade zinc mine has commenced.
  2. The survey will calculate the extent of mine development as well as identify in-situ and potential extensions of mineralisation.
  3. The survey data will enable a depletion model to be applied to the +20,000m historical underground drill-hole database collated.
  4. The survey team are expected to be on site for +1 week with results available in early August.
  5. It is a further step forward to high-impact underground drilling and identifying early production opportunities.

Managing Director's Summary

Stewart Dickson

"Variscan is on track towards a maiden mineral resource estimate at the San Jose-Novales Mine. The 3D survey is important as it will significantly improve our understanding of the mine and advance our readiness for a high impact underground drilling programme shortly. We look forward to reporting the results of the survey work in early August."

Stewart Dickson
Managing Director, Variscan Mines Ltd

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