Xtek Ltd -

Erik Visits XTEK's New Manufacturing Facility

We sent Erik to the official launch of the new XTClave manufacturing facility in South Australia which has been established to produce high-margin body-armour products for XTEK Limited (ASX:XTE).

How do I invest?

Considering investing in Xtek Ltd?
Here's how to get started.
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  1. 1

    Create account

    Open an account with an online broker of your choice. If you do not have an existing broker, consider Mawson Graham's A$9.50 flat fee platform.

    Sign up now »
  2. 2

    Search for ASX:XTE

    On your online investment platform search for the stock ticker code ASX:XTE to bring up the company's shares.

  3. 3

    Buy shares

    Place your order however you wish. If you need advice on buying or selling, you should seek the assistance of a full service financial adviser experienced in small cap equities.
